St. Mary of the Woods & St. Aloysius
Most Reverend Bishop Jeffery Walsh's Statement on the Passing of Proposal 3
Most Reverend Bishop Jeffery Walsh's Statement on the Passing of Proposal 3
“The passing of Proposal 3 in the state of Michigan is a tremendous sorrow for all who recognize the dignity of the human person, created in God’s image and likeness from the first moment of conception. I want to thank everyone who made efforts and gave resources to defeat Proposal 3. The pro-life movement has proven resilient in the past, and we will muster the strength to persevere in defending life in new, yet unforeseen ways in the future. As disciples of Christ, our mission must always be to receive life as a gift from God, heal those broken by the sin of abortion, and walk with Moms in need. It is our sincere hope that, despite unjust civil laws, people will choose to follow divine law, and therein find their true happiness.”
Bishop Walsh's Responds to the Passing of Proposal 3
Bishop Walsh's Responds to the Passing of Proposal 3
Day of Fasting and Prayer
Friday November 18, 2022
in reparation for sins against the Fifth Commandment
Day of Fasting and Prayer
Friday November 18, 2022
in reparation for sins against the Fifth Commandment
A voluntary (not obligatory) day of fasting and prayer in the reparation for sins against the Fifth Commandment (Thou shalt not Kill) will take place in the Diocese of Gaylord on Friday, Nov. 18, 2022. In our Catholic tradition, every Friday is a remembrance of the day our Lord suffered and died for our sins. In solidarity with our Lord’s cross, we are being invited to offer a voluntary fast and prayers to “make up for what is lacking” in the Lord’s suffering (Col.1:24). In particular, the passing of Proposal 3, which will enshrine an artificial “right” to abortion in the Michigan State Constitution, cries out for reparation. Fasting from a favorite food or snack and offering a devotion like the rosary or divine mercy chaplet, or ideally going to daily Friday Mass, will unite us to God in His promise that we will have life and have it to the full.

St. Aloysius 9-10 AM Wednesday November 16
*St. Mary of the Woods *Special Holy Hour/Adoration
November 18 Noon-3
Noon start with the Rosary followed by Adoration.
In response to the Bishop’s suggestion we will have a special Holy Hour at St. Mary’s
November 18, Friday from 12-3
Starting with a Rosary at noon followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
The focus of our prayer on Wednesday and Friday Holy Hours will be in reparation for sins against the Fifth Commandment.
Consider spending time in prayer this coming week to pray
in reparation for sins against the Fifth Commandment.