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"As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace."

1 Peter 4:10

Pastoral Leadership and Communications

Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council of the sister parishes of St. Aloysius and St. Mary of the Woods, acting in the role of an assembly of parish servant volunteers, meets regularly to prayerfully advocate with the Director of Parish Life and each other for the participation of the entire parish community in the life and mission of each parish and of the Universal Church. 

(Joint Parishes Ministry)

Finance Council

A community of servant leaders who, through prayer and study, share their wisdom and also offer consultation in discerning with the pastor how the parish can best meet the financial and material needs of the parish community. Must be a member of the parish and actively practicing the Catholic Faith.

(Joint Parishes Ministry)

Gifts to share: Willingness to pray, reflect and respectfully communicate with others; ability to give time, energy and vision.


Commitment: One evening meeting a month.

Gifts to share: Be prepared to give time and attention needed to the ministry; ability to dialogue with each other; be dedicated to advancing the common good of the parish as a whole.


Commitment: One evening meeting every other month.

Money Counters

A rotation of people who count the weekly monetary gifts collected at each Mass. 

Gifts to share: Accuracy with numbers.


Commitment: Counting Monday mornings once a month.

Parish Website Support

Assists staff in updating website and Facebook as needed.

(Joint Parishes Ministry)

Gifts to share: Computer and communication skills.


Commitment: As needed.

Parish Hospitality

Welcome Committee

Responsible for making connections with new parishioners of each church when notified by the Parish Office. Activities include organizing a welcome booklet/basket and making the presentation to the new parishioners.

Coffee and Donuts

Individuals or families that host coffee and donuts after Mass on Sundays at each church, on a rotating sign-up basis.

Gifts to share: Caring and sharing people who would enjoy meeting and welcoming new members. Should be able to answer questions regarding Church activities and offer follow-up.


Commitment: Varies, depending on need.

Gifts to share: Hospitality, service


Commitment: One Sunday a month. Set up, clean up and supply goodies.

Prayer Ministry

Prayer Chain

Members pray from their homes or in Church for prayer requests. 


(Joint Parishes Ministry)

Gifts to share: Caring people willing to listen and pray.


Commitment: Prayer time.

Rosary Ministry

*During the month of May and other occasional times during the year.

The Rosary is led a half hour before weekend Masses. Come and join together praying the Rosary.

Gifts to share: Praying as a community. Seeking people willing to lead the Rosary before Masses.


Commitment: Arrive 30 minutes before weekend Masses.

Eucharistic Adoration

Fostering growth for the love of Jesus by spending time in the presence of the Holy Eucharist.

Fish Fry and Stations

*During Lent

Fish Fry followed by Stations of the Cross during Lent. Starts the Friday after Ash Wednesday and is held every week of Lent except Holy Week.

Gifts to share: Prayer and time.


Commitment: 1 hour on the First Friday of the month during 12-3pm

Gifts to share: Hospitality and faith.


Commitment: 1 to 5 Friday evenings during Lent.

Liturgy and Worship


Sets out the liturgical vessels and linens for the liturgy; makes sure that there are enough hosts and wine for the celebration of the Eucharist; includes other tasks that may be needed for the celebration of the Mass. May include washing and ironing of linens used during Mass. We have two people that do this.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

A fully initiated and active Catholic, who assists in the distribution of Holy Communion. After Mass, cleans the vessels and linens used during Mass.

Gifts to share: Respect for the sacredness of the Mass and the items used during Mass; organizational skills.


Commitment: Time before Mass and occasionally during Mass; arrive 20-25 minutes before Mass; also time for training.

Gifts to share: Faithful, practicing Catholics who can interact respectfully with the Faith community. Also responsible for cleaning of the vessels after Mass.


Commitment: Assigned Mass. Arrive 15 minutes before Mass. Training involved.


A fully initiated and active Catholic who proclaims the first and second readings and intercessions during the liturgies.

Gifts to share: Strong speaking voice and willingness to proclaim Scripture.


Commitment: Preparation and practice during the week; assigned Masses. Arrive 20 minutes before Mass.

Altar Servers

Active Catholics from fourth through adult who assist the priest at Masses, including Holy Days and special liturgies.

Gifts to share: Desire to serve and assist the priest during the Mass at the Altar; ability to follow along with the Liturgy.


Commitment: Come when scheduled. Arrive at least 15 minutes before Mass.

Ushers and Greeters for Mass

Welcomes people as they arrive for Mass; finds seating for the guest and late comers; counts the number of children and adults attending Mass and records it; finds a family or individuals to take up the gifts; passes out bulletins at the end of Mass; cleans up the pews after Mass; puts collection money in its proper place after Mass. 

Gifts to share: Be friendly and open to serve fellow parishioners.


Commitment: Assigned Mass. Arrive 20 minutes before Mass.

Music Ministry: Adults and Children

Those who sing and/or play a musical instrument during the Mass and other special events. Event those who don't have a lot of availability are welcome!

Gifts to share: Love of Liturgical music, ability to sing and/or play a musical instrument.


Commitment: Weekly meeting for practice, one weekly Mass, and additional practices before the holiday season.

Art and Environment Committee

A team that decorates the Church for Liturgical celebrations.

Gifts to share: Creative ideas, willingness to work together as a team.


Commitment: Set up and take down for each season, refresh Sanctuary as needed or with season changes.

Pastoral Care and Service

Knights of Columbus Council #7419

Catholic men united to assist with the needs of the Catholic community.


(Joint Parishes Ministry)

Gifts to share: Willingness to work with other Catholic men performing various duties for the benefit of the Church.


Commitment: Monthly meetings and other activities.

Funeral Luncheon Committee

Parishioners who are willing to make hot or cold dishes for funeral luncheons and/or are willing to help set up/serve/clean up during a luncheon.

Gifts to share: Willing to serve those who are grieving; compassionate.


Commitment: As the need arises; approximately 4 hours for a luncheon.

St. Mary's Cemetery Committee

Assists in the overseeing of the operation of the parish cemetery, makes recommendations regarding identification, repairs, improvements and maintenance, keeps a record of plot maps, recommends policy for safety and security, and steps required to establish and operate a perpetual care fund, including funding options. Works with the Sexton and Lawn Maintenance.

Gifts to share: Willingness to work together to maintain the cemetery; good record keeping.


Commitment: 2 times per year, additional time as needed.

Homebound/Assisted Living Visitation

Visit parishioners in their home or assisted living facility; distribute Holy Communion based on need.


(Joint Parishes Ministry)

Gifts to share: Compassionate, caring people with good listening skills who enjoy visiting with others.


Commitment: Varies depending on need.

Parish Council of Catholic Women (PCCW)

Catholic women who work together to meet the spiritual, financial, and social needs of each parish.

Gifts to share: Willingness to work with other Catholic women performing various duties for the benefit of the church.


Commitment: Monthly meeting and other activities.

God's Garden

Garden Ministry that plants, maintains and harvests the Garden. Harvest is given to the local food pantries. Garden is located at St. Mary's.


(Joint Parishes Ministry)

Gifts to share: Have a love or appreciation for gardening. 


Commitment: Meet once a week during garden season; tend to the garden as much as possible.

St. Mary's Health/Nursing Ministry

Fosters health and healing in others while assisting them to live full, abundant, healthy, Christ-centered lives.

Gifts to share: Compassion, support


Commitment: As needed

Long Term Care/Nursing Home

Visit parishioners/patients and distribute Holy Communion.


(Joint Parishes Ministry)

Gifts to share: Compassionate, caring people with good listening skills who enjoy visiting with others.


Commitment: Rotation about once a month.

Grief Ministry

Provide support after the funeral has ended and help the suffering acclimate back into life's normal routines.


(Joint Parishes Ministry)

Gifts to share: Compassionate, caring people with good listening skills who enjoy visiting with others.


Commitment: Some training; meeting with grieving parishioners once a month.

Website by Hannah Dutton
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