St. Mary of the Woods & St. Aloysius
Faith Formation
An ongoing ministry for both St. Mary of the Woods and St. Aloysius. Includes a Gathered and a Homestudy option for K-12.
Faith Formation K-12
The goal of Faith Formation is to encourage and equip parents as the primary educators of their children in the Catholic Faith thereby strengthening families to foster learning the joy and truths of their Catholic Faith in Jesus through the witness given by their parents.
If you are interested in joining Faith Formation Classes, please click this link and fill out the form to register:
Please note: There are other gatherings where times will vary
Sacramental Preparation
This is a workshop format using the Encounter with Christ series by OSV for children who have been Baptized prior to age 7 (children over the age of 7 who have not been Baptized yet, will go through the OCIA process for Children. This is in addition to the regular Faith Formation classes.
Timeline for Sacramental Prep
Year One:
Students will prepare for their First Reconciliation.
Year Two:
Students will prepare for both their
Confirmation and First Holy Communion*
*Please note: our Diocese is Restored Order, so those preparing for Holy Communion will also prepare for Confirmation.
Confirmation and Holy Communion will be celebrated at the same Mass.